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alex mendoza alexmendozausmc@aol.com 07-17-2013 6:48:01 PM PST Hi Linda It was great talking to you on the phone. Semper Fi 2 Marines look good on the website. You have a great organization. One of our own past away recently and we honored him at the Riverside National Cemetery in full force. Here are several of us getting ready to go home. Alex US Marine 05-27-2013 1:35:34 AM PST Have a great Memorial Day - and thank you for serving. Tony Tamboury ttamboury@yahoo.com 05-14-2013 8:25:03 PM PST Looking great team keep up the great work. Sgt. Andy 05-14-2013 7:26:11 PM PST Now that I've made my joke of the day, let me tell you all just how proud I am to be in your company. Semper Fi. Sgt. Andy 05-14-2013 7:24:44 PM PST This photo represents the proper way to store your hard drive. Semper Fi! Linda Boatwright lboatwright0353@gmail.com 05-14-2013 5:01:08 PM PST Very good. Keep up the great work Alex! Alex usmc 04-29-2013 3:50:49 PM PST testing message board web page....easy to use. |